Norwood Athletic Booster club is an organization that is formed to contribute money to the Norwood High School and Middle School sports teams.
Booster clubs are popular in American schools at the high school and university level. The clubs are generally run and organized by the volunteer parents of the students in the supported organization in high schools, and by athletic supporters and fans at colleges. Fundraisers are often held to raise money for supplies or equipment that the students may need or for trips that the students may need to take.
Please contact our Director of Athletics, Chuck Richardson, for more information about joining the Norwood Athletic Boosters at
Meetings are held the third Tuesday (usually) of every month at the Norwood High School Cafeteria at 7:00 PM.
Meeting Dates
To Be Determined
Norwood Athletic Booster Chairs (2022-2023 School Year)
Chris Partin - President
Diana Simpson - Vice President
Tina Winchester - Treasurer
Kelly Greene - Secretary